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Get your mind out of the gutter, not those kind of "girls"!
It's a new show on HBO about a group of 20-something women in New York City.
Wait..that sounds familiar.
No, I'm not talking about
Sex and the City, either. Well, it's not as glamorous as
SATC and the main characters are younger. But one of them works at an art gallery, an other is a writer, there's the sexually-free lady and the uptight virgin. So, in a sense it is kind of like a hipster-
Show creator, Lena Dunham, says
Girls is basically about the ladies who watched SATC and wanted to be a Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte or Miranda and move to the Big Apple....but then reality slaps them across the face showing them it's really not feasible to spend more on a pair of Manolos than your rent....or even realistic to buy a pair of Manolos when you've just graduated from college and looking for a job!
The show follows main-character Hannah (played by Dunham) in her journey to become a writer in NYC. Viewers get to meet her friends (descriptions are from the HBO homepage:
Marnie: Hannah's roommate and best friend. Highly responsible and very put-together, she has a very adult job at a very adult art gallery and a serious, long-term boyfriend -- neither of which she can admit she might not love (or even like).
Played by Allison Williams, she's the daughter of NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams. She reminds me of a Charlotte/Miranda hybrid.
Jessa: Jessa is beautiful, British, an occasional nanny who has travelled to as many different countries as she's had boyfriends. Back in New York for the first time in years, she moves in with her cousin Shoshanna, ready to shake up her friends' lives a little bit.
Shoshanna: Shoshanna is Jessa's younger, bubblier American cousin. A virgin with Sex and the City dreams and Brooklyn nightmares, her friends tend to dismiss her as a suburban innocent, but she consistently proves to be a surprising source of wisdom.
Our generation's Charlotte.Adam: He's the guy Hannah sleeps with sometimes -- when he decides to answer her texts. He's an actor-writer-woodworker (triple threat!) with a small subsidy from his grandmother and a love of dirty talk and even dirtier sex. There might be more to him than meets the eye, but it's going to take Hannah some time to figure it out. Meanwhile, she will continue to show up on his doorstep dressed as a sex witch.
Sort of like the Mr. Big in this series.
Already seven episodes in and I've fallen in love with this show. It touches on the lives of all girls in their 20s who
are not a girl, but not yet a woman. *Thanks, Britney Spears. They deal with the insecurities, job and boyfriend drama all females are facing in this day and age of the economy.
I personally can relate to almost all of the characters, except for Jessa.
Which Girls character are you?